"Working up to a Standard, Not down to a Price"

About Us

For over 25 years now, this Family Owned & Operated Business have managed gardens for our clients, from regular pruning, shaping their plants & trees, managing Pests & Diseases issues to hand weeding, Mulching gardens beds & mowing their lawns.

The best thing is we cleanup & take away all the rubbish as part of our service.

We manage properties from a regular size home up to small acreage farmhouses up to 20 Acres.

We Only Offer Regular Garden Maintenance, operating on a schedule working from 2 to 12 weeks, some gardens, it will depend on your garden's requirements for your intervals, once your garden in under control.

*Our schedule is booked tightly in advance for 6 - 12 weeks.

Our reputation for quality work remains at a premium at all times, and as you can understand with operating for over 23 years now, we have many regularly serviced clients already book in for service & they are our first priority.

We still service our first client on 2-3 weeks schedule & have done since February 15, 1999, also, many of our clients we have managed for well over 16 years. We are invited when they move to follow them to their new homes & Left with the new owner to maintain the old.

We operate Monday to Friday, ensuring our clients have the weekends to enjoy time with family, while their gardens always look great!

Current Serviced Areas, Yarrambat, Eltham, Diamond Creek, St Helena, Plenty, Lower Plenty,Research, Cottles Bridge, Wonga Park, Balwyn North, Ivanhoe, Richmond, Mill Park, Bundoora, Brighton & Rye

"The greatest compliment I can receive is a referral from my clients"